Friday 28 August 2009

Gary Megson gives you some old news...

Today, our esteemed leader has told the former BEN that the boo-boys don't bother him as he has never been popular at T'Reebok with the fans. This has come as a complete suprise to the Towers as he has never said this kind of thing about the fans before. Oh, no, wait a minute....

Maybe it would be better for the GSO to give a different kind of slant to the fact that Bolton fans don't like him as calling them names seems to just infuriate them more. Instead of coming across all Malcolm Tucker, maybe he should look at someone like Josh Lyman and understand that you have to be savvy to make people like you, not an arse. Maybe some good humour, not dourness. And less arseness.

And so to this weekend's massacre game at T'Reebok. Lawro has put it down as a 2–0 loss, but that is pretty much a no brainer. So we give you our five predictions for the game:

1. The GSO to big up the opposition, especially as they are a big four club, mentioning that they have world class players. (Wait, tick that box already)

2. For once, chants of "Megson Out" to outnumber the chants concerning Benitez's part time job clearing tables down the nearest Tapas bar.

3. Sean Davis to get booked.

4. Liverpool to win 3–0

5. The GSO to talk about gaining positives from the game in post match interview as Sammy Lee walks past with a wry smile on his face.

We're nearly there folks. Only the Portsmouth game to go.

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