Thursday 11 February 2010

Up Before The Beak

Right, little time to do anything today, as it's already gone into tomorrow on GMT. Mrs X has hogged the computer organising the honeymoon tonight. And I didn't even realise we weren't married.

Obviously the major news is that the FA have written a strongly worded letter to SuperKev, requesting an explaination as to his comments relating to Mark Clusterfuck after the Fulham game. It isn't like we didn't know it was coming and admirable as St Owen's defence of his captain was, there was little doubt that Lancaster Gate would be sharpening it's HB and putting the Queen's face on a letter, c/o T'Reebok. While SuperKev's comments hold a lot of weight, no doubt he will be given a warning and a fine, unless of course the disciplinary commitee is headed by Mr. Hustlebuck himself, in which case five years in Siberia will probably be counted as a lucky escape.

Otherwise it's just the usual "haven't we played well while losing" pieces on the crap website, this time from The New Gudni (I take a lot of time thinking up these names y'know), while in the former BEN, St Owen basically praises The Shitt whilst telling him that he has about as much chance of getting in the team as Alf Ippititimus. One for the kids there.

As Arnie would say, stay frosty. Until tomorrow.

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